And the winners are…


EN // The jury of W.A.Ve. 2015, composed by Gonçalo Byrne, Marianne Burkhalter and Fabrizio Barozzi, appointed three different mentions:

To the workshop held by Sara Marini + Philippe Rahm;

to the workshop held by Manuel Aires Mateus;

to the workshop held by Sebastian Irarrazaval.

Congratulations to all the W.A.Ve. 2015 participants, with the wish of a great summer!


IT La giuria dei W.A.Ve. 2015, composta da Gonçalo Byrne, Marianne Burkhalter e Fabrizio Barozzi, ha conferito tre diverse menzioni:

Al workshop di Sara Marini + Philippe Rahm;

al workshop di Manuel Aires Mateus;

< al workshop di Sebastian Irarrazaval.

Complimenti a tutti coloro che hanno partecipato ai W.A.Ve. 2015 con l’augurio di un’ottima estate!


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